Pam Rose “Sacred Song” Premiere and Virtual Listening Party – Part 2 (Facebook Live)
Pam RosePam Rose "Sacred Song" Premiere and Virtual Listening Party - Part 2 (Facebook Live)
Pam Rose "Sacred Song" Premiere and Virtual Listening Party - Part 2 (Facebook Live)
Buy "Sacred Song" at https://pamrosemusic.com/shop/ Become a Patron of the Arts at: https://www.paypal.me/gracerecords Venmo to @PAM-ROSE-20 (https://venmo.com/pam-rose-20) "Holy Child" written by Pam Rose, Terry Burns and Cathy Majeski *** Video Creation & Editing *** “Holy Child" (Matthew Clowney, https://www.Matthewclowney.com) Visit https://pamrosemusic.com for Special Edition copies of “Sacred Song." Contact Kim Person at https://www.KimPersonMusic.com Contact Glen Roethel at https://www.GlenRoethel.com
Pam Rose "Sacred Song" Premiere and Virtual Listening Party - Part 1 (Facebook Live)